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Who Are We?

We are a small, independent, non-denominational, inter-racial family of believers. We regard Jesus Christ as the Head of our fellowship. He determines what we believe and do. It is our goal to fully conform to Christ’s will as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

We love and welcome people regardless of color, sex, economic status or cultural background. However, we do not condone any practice or lifestyle which the Bible defines as sinful. We pray for the peace and well-being of our country and the world. We honor those in authority but will respectfully not comply with mandates or regulations which conflict with our loyalty to Christ.

We are organized in harmony with the model of church governance we see in the New Testament. In that model, Elders oversee and direct the church, Deacons take care of benevolence and the physical needs of the congregation, Teachers assist the Elders in instructing and Evangelists proclaim the Gospel to those outside the church.

In keeping with this model, our Sunday assemblies are designed primarily for Christians, not unbelievers. Though anyone is more than welcome to come and participate, our services are intended to help and encourage those who are already in Christ. Similarly, though we believe Communion is only for Christians, we do not practice closed Communion. We leave the decision whether or not to participate to each person.

Like the early church, at 35th we wish to encourage mutual ministry and service to one another. Instead of one-way communication from the ‘pulpit’ we wish to foster many-to-many communication for the mutual benefit, encouragement and the building up of each member. Speakers are interruptible. Opportunities are given for everyone to share.

Most of our messages and classes are expository. We believe that following the biblical text, explaining and directly applying it, is the best way to understand God’s word and to promote spiritual growth.

We are open. Comments, criticisms and suggestions are taken seriously. An honest attempt is made to answer questions, not only about spiritual things but decisions and policy as well. Financial statements are posted to the bulletin board.

We believe in being united in regard to the essentials while giving freedom in the non-essentials. We believe strongly that the gospel of Christ cannot be changed. We will make no compromise in foundational doctrine. On the other hand, we also believe that there is liberty in the non-essentials. We do not seek to impose our beliefs on others. We are not in competition with any other body of believers. We do not insist that our way of doing things is the only right way. We are always willing to re-study any position from the Scriptures.